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Adjunct Associate Research Scientist


Clinical Nutritionist


Columbia University Medical Center


Division of Molecular Genetics


Department of Pediatrics: Metabolism


Dr. Grovit was formerly Adjunct Associate Research Scientist and a clinical nutritionist at Columbia University Medical Center. He is currently in private practice integrating clinical nutrition into disease management. He is Sidney Solid Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM). Dr. Grovit was a Board Certified podiatrist and held numerous leadership positions at NYCPM over his forty- year career at that institution. He was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Medical Sciences and Chief of the Foot Clinics of New York (FCNY) as well as Director of the Emergency Response Team at FCNY. Dr. Grovit was a recipient of a grant from the United Hospital Fund, which resulted in the development of the Integrative Wellness Center at FCNY. He also incorporated nutrition into the medicine curriculum at NYCPM. He has received numerous academic and leadership awards during his career including a Leadership Award from the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists, Outstanding Service Award from the American College of Nutrition, NYCPM Award for Contributions to the Advancement of Podiatric Medical Education, Student Leadership and Excellence in Teaching Award at NYCPM, Distinguished Alumnus Award from NYCPM, Stephen Seifer Good Fellow Award from NYCPM, Recognition Award From Jewish Memorial Hospital for Contributions to the Advancement of Podiatric Medicine. Dr. Grovit was Chairman of Podiatric Medicine and Podiatric Medical Residency Education at Jewish Memorial Hospital (JMH) in New York City and a member of the JMH Medical Board. Dr. Grovit has served as Chairman of the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists and Board Member of the New York State Board for Dietetics and Nutrition. He is currently a member and former Chairman of the Examination Development Committee for the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists and a member of the New York State Board for Dietetics and Nutrition Peer Panel. Recently, he is co-author with Alfred E. Slonim, MD and Linda Bulone, RN of “Effect of Exclusion Diet with Nutraceutical Therapy in Juvenile Crohn’s Disease” published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, April 2009. Dr. Grovit has developed de novo clinical nutrition protocols for individuals living with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and short bowel syndrome (SBS), which have origins in his personal triumph over the nutrition relationship and pathophysiology of CD and SBS. Dr. Grovit’s current research focus also includes mitochondrial dysfunction and disordered energy metabolism in the chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. He is very focused on the role of food and the microbiota in inflammatory diseases.


Dr. Grovit developed Crohn’s disease as a teenager and because of his extraordinary early life experience with this disease and its complications, he was inspired to develop nutrition protocols targeted to inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.) Early on, Dr. Grovit recognized the significance of optimal nutrition for IBD in the form of personalized diet modifications, targeted nutraceutical and probiotic administration. These interventions have become absolutely essential complementary measures, which result in symptomatic relief and produce a significantly more favorable quality of life.


Dr. Grovit brings a unique perspective to the practice of integrative clinical nutrition. As a teenager his chronic stomachaches were found to be something more serious - an extensive case of Crohn’s disease. He was advised that his future goal of attending medical school was no longer an option for him, and that even attending college would put too much stress on his body. Dr. Grovit refused to accept this as his destiny. He wondered why certain foods caused such severe abdominal pain and others did not. This was the beginning of his mission to identify the nutritional issues associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Despite losing 2/3 of his intestine surgically because of Crohn’s disease, he did attend college and was graduated from the New York College of Podiatric Medicine in 1961 with a Doctorate in Podiatric Medicine. Armed with his training in the medical sciences, he set his sights on acquiring the nutrition education he felt was essential for his continued survival. He received an academic grant from the American Podiatric Medical Association for the graduate study of human nutrition. Trained by faculty of the Columbia University Institute of Human Nutrition and the University of Bridgeport Institute of Nutrition, he received his Master of Science degree in Biology with certification in human nutrition in 1986. Dr. Grovit continues to develop complementary nutrition protocols for IBD as well as a host of other difficult to manage conditions, including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and mitochondrial dysfunction..


Recent Publications:

Alfred E. Slonim, MD, Melvyn Grovit, DPM, MS, CNS and Linda Bulone, RN. “Effect of exclusion diet with nutraceutical therapy in juvenile Crohn’s disease” published June 2009, vol.28, no.3, pp.277-285 in The Journal of the American College of Nutrition


Melvyn Grovit, DPM, MS, CNS, Kathie Grovit Ferbas, PhD, Alfred E. Slonim, MD, “Complementary Nutrition and Nutraceuticals in the Management of Short Bowel Syndrome in the Adult with Crohn’s Disease” in publication October 2014, Metabolic Medicine and Surgery, Taylor-Francis Publishers (CRC Press)



  • National Excellence in Nutrition Science Award Honoree, Presented by Jonathan Emord and Associates at The Sacred Fire of Liberty Gala, Cambridge, Maryland September 2014

  • Mark A. Bieber Award for Academic Contributions to Nutrition Presented by the
    American College of Nutrition at the New York Academy of Medicine October 2010

  • Appointed to the Credentials Council Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists 2014

  • Chairman, Examination Development Committee Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists 2009 to 2010

  • Diplomate, Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists (CNS)

  • Certified Nutritionist (CN), State of New York

  • American College of Nutrition

  • American Dietetic Association

  • New York State Dietetic Association

  • Appointed by the Regents to The New York State Board for Dietetics/Nutrition 2000-2010

  • Appointed by the Regents to the New York State Board of Dietetics/Nutrition Peer Panel 2010-2015

  • Appointed to the Governing Board of the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists

  • Appointed to the Examination Committee of the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists

  • President, Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists 2007- 2009

  • Appointed to the Board of Directors, American College of Nutrition - 2008

  • Vice-President, Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists 2006

  • Invited Member, American College of Nutrition Council on Gastroenterology/Enteral/Parenteral/Nutrition/Surgery

  • Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM)

  • Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics and Primary Podiatric Medicine

  • American College of Podiatric Orthopedics and Medicine

  • American Podiatric Medical Association

  • New York State Podiatric Medical Association

  • Former Chief, Div. of Primary Podiatric Medicine Foot Clinics of NY

  • Former Director, Emergency Response Team Foot Clinics of NY

  • Former Chairman and Sidney Solid Distinguished Professor
    Department of Medical Sciences
    New York College of Podiatric Medicine

  • Sidney Solid Distinguished Professor Emeritus
    Department of Medical Sciences
    New York College of Podiatric Medicine

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